what makes it good

Club Benefits

Monthly Demonstrations

Each month we have one or more demonstrations by an experienced local or nationally-known woodworker highlighting various techniques, best practices or specific projects.


Members are encouraged to bring their recent projects to the meetings and explain a little about what they made, embellished, learned or struggled with.

Q/A and Mentoring

The club is a wonderful resource and wealth of experience to answer your questions and provide tips and guidance.


Comradery comes naturally to a group of all ages and stripes who share an infectious enthusiasm for woodworking.

Teach or Volunteer

The club provides a forum to share your passion and experience. Please consider giving demonstrations and/or volunteering to help the club.

Community Outreach

Our members cut and shape toy car bodies in a variety of styles of their own design or from example drawings available on the club’s website. The club provides wooden wheels and axel pegs and members gather prior to Christmas to assemble the cars. Toy cars are given to a number of local and international agencies that serve deserving children. Hundreds of toys are donated each year. “Anything looks like a car if you put wheels on it”