Midwest Woodworkers Association

“There are two men inside the artist, the poet and the craftsman. One is born a poet. One becomes a craftsman.” Emile Zola


Next Meeting – Holiday Toy Drive

Join us for our next meeting Monday November 25, 2025, 6:30 PM at Bob Youngquist’s shop. Address: 4089 North Thompson Road, Columbia, MO. This will be a working session to put wheels on remaining car bodies for Christmas delivery to children’s service organizations.

Live Edge Slabs for Sale

Dyann Helming from Columbia has 28 pine live edge slabs and 9 black walnut slabs for sale. The trees were from the backyard and have been glue sealed and sticked for 30 months inside. The dimensions for the Pine: L 5-6ft. W 12-19″ D 1 1/2″ moisture <10%, Black Walnut: L 128" W 16-20" D 2 1/2" moisture <10% (all slabs from same tree). Priced at $40 a pine slab and $200-250 a walnut slab, negotiable. Email: helming31719@gmail.com Phone: 5737770551

What We Do

Regular club meetings featuring a demonstration, show-n-tell, attendance raffles and shop talk are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.

Sawdust Studios

3150 Paris Road

Columbia MO 

Live Demonstrations

At our monthly meetings, we see live sessions on particular techniques and projects, delivered by an experienced member. On occasion we invite a nationally known woodworker to provide the demos.


Members are encouraged to bring their latest projects to the monthly meetings and describe what they’ve been working on. Sometimes this is to get help from the group on a problem; many times it provides inspiration and oohs and aahs.

Hands-On Workshops

Scheduled throughout the year include hands-on workshops held at various locations, usually the workshop of a club member.

Shop Talk

Our in-person meetings always include helpful discussion from all experience levels. This could include topics like joinery, tools and techniques, fuming, bending, safety, shop operations and various projects.